Wednesday, May 2, 2012

“Stuff Christians like, Giving back to God.”
2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Intro:  I think for most of us it’s a bit unsettling to see famous preachers with a lot of money, or at least showing it off.  
There are some pastors and churches that teach a prosperity gospel  which claims the Bible teaches that financial blessing is the will of God for Christians. The doctrine teaches that faith, positive speech, and donations to Christian ministries will always increase one's material wealth.
It also says that as Christians, we deserve a wealthy life and that if you don’t have that, then you must be doing something wrong in your life or that you don’t have enough faith.

I will tell you right now, that is dead wrong.
God never promises that we’d be rich or wealthy just because we’re Christians.

To the contrary, we are called to a live of service and giving.
Acts 20:35  In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Remember how Jesus is our example?  He came into the world humbly and never preached a health and wealth gospel.
Today, instead of just talking about money, I wanted to broaden the definition of what it means to give back to God.

What are some our favorite things in life, things
we like to hold on to tightly?

Big Pic:   God loves a cheerful giver.

Text:  2 Corinthians 9:6-11
This passage is titled “Sowing generously” in some translations.
What a great title.  When you think of sowing, what comes to mind?
Seeing fruit or a plant, something growing, happening.

And something will happen when we give generously back to God.
He will use the things we give back to him to multiply our blessings.

That doesn’t guarantee that we’ll get rich monetarily, but the riches God wants to give us far exceed what we think we need.

v. 6  A principle of sowing and reaping.
 “You reap what you sow.”   Psalm 126:5, Proverbs 22:8
It’s a difference of throwing out a lot of seeds or just a few.   The results will be obvious.
We’ve got a much better chance of seeing the fruit of our giving, when we sow generously.

v. 7  Think wisely and pray about what God is asking you to give.
It’s unwise to give something away that you need to survive.
It’s also unwise to give yourself in service in an area you are uncomfortable in, not good at, or can’t do with joy.
“Not reluctantly or under compulsion.”
Our thesis for today, “God loves a cheerful giver” is actually some deep theology.
It is vital that we learn to give cheerfully, otherwise it’s almost not worth it at all.
God doesn’t need our money, he wants our hearts.

 “God doesn’t command Christians to give a certain amount, but he provides opportunities to give generously.”

Yes, the Bible suggests 10% as a place to start, but don’t get to self-righteous about that amount.  
Showing off your giving…

v. 8  Once we get our hearts and attitudes right and are able to give back to God, he will give us those rewards we seek.
Again, I know it’s tempting to expect to be rewarded or blessed by God either monetarily or in a way that we think we need.
But here’s what God wants to give us when we give back to him;
Grace, love, mercy, joy, an unselfish heart, a servant attitude, being known as a generous person, being loved by many.
“In all things, at all times, having all that you need”
Then we’ll be able to abound in good works (bless others).
Why?  Because we’re so grateful for all God has given us!

Recent big lotto? 
I already won the lotto…wife, kids, food and shelter, plus WAY more.  I am truly a blessed man…and so are most of you!

v. 10  God supplies everything from the start, it’s all his to begin with.
This harvest that God will increase has more to do with a harvest of righteousness than of material goods.
The harvest that we will reap is that harvest of souls.
God will use us and our resources as instruments of his grace for the salvation of others.

v. 11  You will be enriched in every way, to be generous in every way…all to the glory of God.
Again, the blessings we will receive from God when we give back to him have almost nothing to do with money.
When God provides for our needs, it allows us to continue to generously meet others needs and give resources to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ!

God loves it when we cheerfully give back to him:
Our lives
Our hearts
Our minds
Our kids
Our families
Our money
Our time
Our gifts
Our prized possessions
Our service to others
Everything we hold dear.


“Give it all away”…within reason. 

VIDEO   The Loser   Switchfoot song…
Only the losers win
They've got nothing to prove
They'll leave the world with nothing to lose
You can laugh at the weirdos now
Wait till wrongs are right
They'll be the ones with nothing to hide

'Cause I've been thinking, thinking
I've got a plan to lose it all
I've got a contract pending on eternity
If I haven't already given it away
I've got a plan to lose it all

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