Thursday, September 27, 2007

How 'bout some real clergy?

Clergy backing same-sex marriage

Group asks court to overturn ban
By Sandi Dolbee
September 27, 2007
SAN DIEGO – More than two dozen San Diego clergy members have joined hundreds of colleagues around the state in support of one the most divisive issues in society today: same-sex marriage. (To read the rest of the article, click here.)

This article goes on to quote "clergy" (I don't really like that title, never have and I don't really even like the idea of ordination...ask me about that if you'd like...) from churches like the First Unitarian Universalist Church and those split-down-the-middle Episcopalians who support gay marriage. I'd like to set the record straight that these "clergy" in no way represent the rest of the pastors and ministers here in San Diego.

I got this email this morning:
"Pastor Willie Manley called yesterday afternoon to extend an invitation for you to attend a meeting this afternoon. The meeting is at 1 PM at the Pilgrim Progressive Baptist Church on A Street. It has been organized by the African American pastors throughout the San Diego area. They want to get together and decide how to respond to the Mayor's and council's stand on gay marriage."

I wish I could've attended that meeting. I'm guessing that the media won't be covering this meeting, but hopefully will if that group calls a press conference. I know that group of pastors who met this afternoon truly represent the pastors of San Diego as well as the bulk of San Diegans.

As always, I'm amazed at how a small group like the homosexuals can do such a good job of getting press coverage and somehow corral those on the fence to their side of the issue.

At this point I'm praying for our Governor that he will stick to the will of the people and not let the overturning of Prop 22 pass.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Don't know if any of you caught the pilot episode of "Reaper" last night on TV. Kelley and I actually watched it together. Definitely some interesting theology thrown in there. If you'd like to watch a clip of the show, click here.

My favorite line in the show was when Satan says to Sam, "Don't worry, I know how it all turns out in the end, God wins." Let me know what you think if you saw it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Was it Eve's fault? Was it Adam's fault for not resisting the forbidden fruit? Was it really an apple that ruined it for all mankind?
In reality, none of those questions matter. The Bible doesn't tell us if it was an apple that lured in both Eve and Adam to sin. It could have been a kiwi for all we know. And it's silly to blame either one of them primarily. It was both their fault and you and I would've most likely done the same thing had we been there.
What we do need to focus on is the fact that God offers forgiveness through Jesus Christ for when we are lured into temptation that results in sin.
How do you deal with temptation?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Mayor Sanders flip-flops

Sanders changes mind on gay marriage
Mayor supports effort to overturn state ban

By Jennifer Vigil
A tearful Mayor Jerry Sanders made a dramatic shift yesterday, explaining that he can no longer oppose same-sex marriages because he does not want to deny justice to people like his daughter, who is a lesbian. Joined at a late afternoon news conference by his wife, Rana Sampson, the San Diego mayor announced he will back a City Council decision to support same-sex marriage before the state Supreme Court, where California's ban on it awaits review. (To read the rest of the story, click here.)

I can't say I'm surprised at this latest happening in the political/gay world. I guess we should give Mayor Sanders some credit for speaking his heart on this issue. However, do we elect these officials to speak (and vote) their hearts or the hearts of the people/constituents they represent? I'm pretty sure that the majority of the people in San Diego and California still are not in favor of gay marriage. If I know my political process properly, there will still need to be a vote of the people to make this pass in California as well as San Diego.

So, the question is, "Is this really that big of a deal? If a gay couple marry does that really affect the heterosexual couples out there? That's what I hear a lot of people saying, basically just "Leave 'em alone and let them do what they want, how can we deny them their love?" (Which in a matter of words is what Mayor Sanders said.)

Whatever respect I had for Mayor Sanders just got knocked down a few notches. He is not making this decision based on moral grounds, that is Biblical moral grounds, he is making a very public decision based on emotion. If we don't have a solid ground (the Bible) from which to make decisions from, then we let our emotions sway our choices.

I believe it comes down to a basic understanding of scripture. If you believe (as I do) that homosexuality is wrong in God's eyes, then homosexual marriage is wrong in God's eyes. It is important to remove this issue from the emotional, "But I know someone who is gay and really love them" type argument into what God has to say about it. Otherwise it's just one person's view against another's.

What do you all think? What implications does Mayor Sanders decision have for us here in San Diego?

Here is a little bit of humor in the midst of these heated and often emotional debates of the gay marriage issue. The gay population has managed to kidnap both the word "gay" and the rainbow and use them for their own personal agenda. I'm kinda bummed about that. Especially when you consider what the rainbow really stands for, a reminder that God will not longer flood the earth because of man's sinfulness.....hmm...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Woe is me

When trials come into our lives, we often look like this and say something like, "I can't believe this is happening! God, what are you thinking?"
That certainly is a natural human response, yet James tells us in chapter one of his book in the New Testament to "consider it pure joy whenever we face trails of various kinds." It almost seems backwards, doesn't it? Here's what we've got to keep in mind though, if we want to grow deep in our faith and be more mature and complete then one of the best ways that’s going to happen is through trials. Perseverance has a work to do, and this can be accomplished only by persistence in trials. If perseverance is to "finish its work," our faith must not falter or give up.
I'd love to hear from any of you as to the trials God may have taken you through (or are currently going through) and what God has taught you through the process. How has God deepened your character as you have learned to embrace this trial?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Leaving the rest up to God

Our church has been meeting at PB Middle School for 11 years now. The school has been good to us and I hope we have shed the light of Jesus to the school and community in the years we've been there.

Once again this year we were able to supply backpacks stocked full of school supplies for needy students at the school. This year we were able to donate 16 backpacks. I included in each one a hand written note that said, "Have a great year at school! God bless, your friends at Coastlands Church." Now we just need to pray that each person who receives a backpack will be blessed and look to God for guidance in their lives. Of course it would be an extra bonus if they ended up visiting our church from this, but that was never really the goal. The goal was to bless someone and let God take it from there.

Now God is giving us a new opportunity to be involved at another school. Almost two years ago we had the chance to move to Bayview Terrace Elementary (pictured right). This school is also in Pacific Beach, about a mile east of where we meet now. It's closer to the 5 freeway, has a better and safter play area for the kids after church, has a classroom for the kids and much to my delight, a smaller room for our worship service. It's been a challenge meeting in a room that seats 540 with the chairs bolted to the floor.

Two years ago we had discussed this move as leaders and were ready to go. For a few different reasons, the Principal at the time vetoed the idea. I was pretty bummed, but had to figure it was going to be God's timing if and when it was going to happen. Now it seems like God is opening the door again.

I met with the principal and custodian yesterday and they have given us the green light to start meeting there. I will begin discussions with our leaders over the next few days to reintroduce the idea of meeting there. I'm excited about this move for many reasons. Please pray with me/us as a church as we consider this exciting move for our church. This could be a whole new chapter for Coastlands Church!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What a trip

Nothing like escaping reality. We had a great trip to Washington late August. We got to stay at a place called Camp McCullough. It's on Pipe Lake in the Kent/Covington area in between Tacoma and Seattle. As you can see from the pictures, it is a great place to relax and swim. Relax, that is if the lake wasn't so stinkin' cold! On the one day all 35 of us were there, the weather was not warm, it rained a little and the lake was barely tolerable. Good old Washington summers!

In reality though it didn't matter. All the kids/cousins/grand kids played together any ways and even swam without complaining, unlike the adults. By Monday and Tuesday the weather was great and we got to spend some fun time in the lake while not shivering so much.

This is a picture of my parents house, a true gem in Tacoma. It's located at the end of a street with the address of 1 Rosemount Way. Over all a great time away from the SD grind. It's always good to escape reality for a few days. Yet, it's good to come back to reality also.