Saturday, March 9, 2013

It was five years ago that I took the brave leap into the world of Facebook. Overall, it's been a good experience. I love reconnecting with friends and am almost at a staggering 700 on my account.  While I realize that's a tiny number compared to some and a rather huge number compared to others, I guess it's all relative.  Anyone who is honest about all the "friends" on Facebook would have to admit that in reality, you only stay in regular touch with about 50 of those friends.  

For a long time I swore I'd never "do the Twitter thing." Then I realized that it's really only a few steps away from what I post on Facebook, although in a shorter format.  I'd like to tell you that I have some staggering number of followers on Twitter, but in reality, I have a measly 27.  I kinda like these social media outlets because it allows people to see and hear my thoughts, yet it also keeps me from posting and/or doing anything, ungodly, immoral, illegal or stupid on such a public format. I feel a strange pull to only post profound, life-altering quotes on Twitter, thus my usual default, scripture verses.  Can't go wrong with quoting the Word of God!   

So I guess this is what is all boils down to for me.  God is the original social media.  He always knows what's going on in our lives whether we ever post it to our Facebook page, Twitter account or not.  Just like Joseph, we need to be more afraid of shaming God, than making a fool of ourselves to all our friends on Facebook.