Friday, March 14, 2008

Holy Week

This Sunday is Palm Sunday and it also kicks off Holy Week. I consider Easter to be the "Super Bowl" of the Christian year. I'm always amazed at the turnout at even our small church for Easter. I find it a bit challenging to preach a fresh sermon every year for Palm Sunday and Easter. It's super important that we tell the same story every year, but I pray for God's insight as I share what he has taught me in my study of the Word.

What does Holy Week mean to you all? What are some of your favorite memories of Easter? How do you keep it fresh each year?

For all you chess fans out there, here is a video I found. I am going to use it as an intro to the sermon on Sunday. It has to do with Palm Sunday and the donkey. See if you can figure out where I'm going with this before you here it live in church.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Big time miracle

You gotta love this picture. I showed it in church on Sunday while preaching on John 6:1-15. This is one of the more well known miracles of the NT, in fact, it's the only one mentioned in all four gospels.
I'd love to hear your comments on this picture as well as the story of the feeding of the 5000.
How have you seen God provide in your life? How has God surprised you in the methods he has used to give you what you need? In what ways have you been "forced" to trust God when it seems like you own methods aren't working? Has there been times when God didn't provide what you asked for, yet you still learned from that experience?