Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Revelation 7   “A description of heaven.”

Intro…TULIP  Perserverance of the saints…once saved, always saved, we can’t lose our salvation. 
Revelation 7
Big Pic:  “The Sealing of God’s international Israel.”
Text:  Revelation 7

v. 1-8  The 144,000
Chapter 7  is an interlude or interruptive period in the chronology of Revelation, showing God's program of grace and salvation during the period of judgment.
It’s also known as “The Sealing of God’s international Israel.”
There are two other interludes in Revelation, 10:1-11 through 11:14, and 20:1-6.
These interludes explain the place of the saints in the events of Revelation.

There are different interpretations of the 144,000.
What is the relation between these 144,000 and the innumerable multitude “from every nation?”
These 144,000 could either be an actual number of Jewish believers brought to faith immediately after Jesus returns, or figuratively of a national conversion.
“Israel” could be a reference to the church, the new covenant people of God.
In this view, both the 144,000 and the international multitude are complimentary perspectives on the church and believers from every nation including ethnic Israel.
All these people are protected from the wrath of God, but will be exposed to persecution by evil enemies.
Either way, it’s a large group of people who are chosen, sealed and elected to be in God’s presence.

Think back over a month ago when we left of in Revelation 6, the sixth seal was opened with a great earthquake, the sun became blackened, the sky fell etc.  All hell broke loose.
God’s enemies cried out, “Who can stand?”
The answer is those “sealed” with the seal of the living
God.  v. 2.
Each of these servants of God will receive a "SEAL" on his forehead.  Not sure what it will look like but will be visible.
 That’s why John sees four angels holding back the four winds of judgment until all of God’s servants have received his seal.
Remember last week we talked about a royal signet ring?  This is similar.
Our seal as Christians is the name of the Lamb and of God. (14:1)
This seal is promised to all who conquer by faith.  It’s the opposite of the mark of the beast and symbolizes God’s ownership and protection of his people.
What as the seal or mark of God under the Old Covenant?  Circumcision.
v. 3   Under the New Covenant, God’s Holy Spirit seals us as his property.
Another angel is ascending and saying, “Don’t harm the earth until we have sealed the servants of God.”
144,000 were sealed, 12,000 for each of the 12 tribes of Israel.
God will raise up an army of 144,000 Jewish evangelists to spread across the globe and bring in a soul harvest of unimaginable proportions.

v. 9-17  A great multitude from every nation will be saved.
v.  9-10  Multitudes of people standing before the throne of God saying, “Salvation belongs to our God.”  Wearing white robes of victorious martyrs.
v. 11-12  Angels and living creatures fell on their faces and worshipped God…
v. 13-17  Who are these people?  (The elder asked John)
The ones coming out of the great tribulation washed white in the blood of the Lamb.
They serve God all day and night, sheltered in his presence.

The sufferings on earth mentioned in v. 13-14 are now left behind.
There will be no more hunger or thirst or scorching sun.
No more tears.
That’s why we have so many great songs, especially the gospel songs that talk about a glorious life in heaven.
Many of our great gospel songs were written by slaves who couldn’t wait to escape this earth.
Since most slaves couldn’t read or write, (against the law to teach them) these songs had secret hidden meanings so they could communicate to each other without their owners knowing.
Under the protective care of the Lamb, our Shepherd, we will find refreshment in springs of living water.

So what’s the big picture here?  What is the practical advice, take home stuff for today?   
(4 things)
Revelation chapter 7 represents eternal hope.  The end of suffering. 
I’m sure many of us have suffered here on earth or know people who have suffered…

Worshipping God in heaven.  You think our worship is good, or maybe you’ve been to a conference with hundreds or thousands of people worshipping….that’s nothing!  When we get to heaven, the worship will be better than we can imagine.

One thing we learn from Revelation is that although the Antichrist will have power over all peoples and languages, he will not deceive everyone.
Verse 9 makes it clear that the preaching of the gospel by the 144,000 Jewish witnesses will reach a multitude that no one can number, from every language, tribe, and people.
So, even Satan's control will not keep people from receiving Christ individually.
Everything is under God’s control, including the Antichrist and his limited influence.
Nations and peoples may have rejected Christ, but individuals can still receive Him.
John 1: 10-12  

Although 144,000 and a "great nation" will be saved, this doesn't mean all will be saved or universalism.
God will not force his love on anyone, but some will reject his love.
Deut. 4: 29   This is a promise from God Almighty.

Conclusion:  So today we’re talking about heaven…
 Jr. Seau’s paddleout…
Huge event at Qualcomm, all over the papers…
People tend to say, “He’s in a better place” at all funerals.
Well, I certainly hope so…
What about the funerals of atheists.  I guess they think they just cease to exist.
Not a lot of hope there…

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