Monday, August 20, 2012

One of my favorite quotes is, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans."  Well, I know God has a great plan for our lives, now I'm just waiting for him to let us know!   I'm excited about this next phase of our lives and ministry.  Now we are praying that through working the connections and divine intervention, it will be clear what the next move will be.   

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wow, who woulda thought that Chick-fil-A would be in so much trouble for the simple support of traditional, biblical marriage?  Dan Cathy never said he hated gays, and in fact the restaurant hires gays, serves gays and is in general very kind to them.   I've heard that tomorrow is "support your local Chick-fil-A" day, so I encourage you all to get out there and show this great organization your support.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Zach and Michelle Garland's wedding at Coronado.  
This was one of the most scenic spots I've ever done a wedding at.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

This is why we have monthly community bonfires and family movie nights on the playground by our house. It's also why I've turned the big open field next to my house into a community gathering spot where the neighbors can run their dogs and let the kids use the rope swings.   It's also why I surf the same spot on weekday mornings with essentially the same group of people.  It's why I'd like to spend more time at places like the Pannikin.   Where are your "Third Places?"

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Revelation 8   “God withholds Judgment.”
Intro…   One of the fundamental lessons we all learn early on is to own up to what you did, clean up your mess, take responsibility.
Apologizing, asking for forgiveness.  These are all important steps in maturity.
In the Christian life, repentance is important…clears things up between us and God.
All this is important because we know judgment will come.
Although we may not admit it, we need God’s judgment, his standards to keep up in line.
We need to be thankful for God’s limited judgment…

Big Pic:  God gives us plenty of warning before his judgments come.  Let’s not wait for the huge, “acts of God” for him to get our attention.

Text:  Revelation 8 (1-5)

8:1-5   “Silence for about a half an hour”
This silence adds to the suspense before it gets crazy.
This doesn’t mean God is being indifferent in his slowness to judge.
This brief period is between the ceaseless praises by the living creatures, angels and elders.
Silence is appropriate in anticipation of the Lord’s coming judgment.   Kinda like silence or respect in the courtroom.
These judgments are so terrible that the angels stand breathless in wonder.
God sends a fiery response to the people’s pleas, “Who can stand?”
This displaces the entire rebellious humanity, land and sea, sun, moon, sky etc.
Yet, God shows divine restraint (1/3).
What a great side of God to know that he can show restraint.
However, Rev. 8-11 now issues in a time of judgment.
v. 13 “Woe, woe, woe…”
Anyone who rebels against God will endure eternal punishment and condemnation.
Now, as bad as that sounds, remember that God always offers his grace, love and mercy to those that repent.

v. 2-4      7th seal, censers, prayers, 7 angels standing before God with 7 trumpets,  another angel stood at the Altar with a  golden censer praying for the saints.  Incense in the censer.
The 7th seal is a view into the future…
v. 2-4  is a glimpse into God’s heavenly sanctuary.
The incense rising up symbolize the prayers of the saints.   
 In the OT, the sanctuary in the tent had two altars, one for bloody sacrifice in the courtyard and the other for smoky incense inside, adjacent to the veil into the Most Holy Place.

The angel took the censer, threw it on the earth, thunder, lightning, earthquake.
These angels initiate limited judgment (in thirds) that warn of the coming destruction and summon rebels to repent.
“For our God is a consuming fire…” Hebrews 12:29
Just as God finally destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah when they would not repent, there is a time when the fire of God will descend upon this earth in punishment.

7 Angels with 7 trumpets ready to blow them.  We’ll look at the first 4.
These judgments sent to earth are in response to the prayers of the saints.
Again this is a limited judgment from God.  However if we continue to ignore his warnings, we can expect his full judgment.
I believe these will be actual calamities suffered by unrepentant non-believers.
This is punishment from God.  The devil is not doing this. It is done on orders from God.  God can do this if he
v. 7  First angel, trumpet blow, hail, fire mixed with blood.  1/3 of the earth burned up.
This reproduces the 7th plague of Egypt.  (Ex. 9:24)
The purpose?  To call rebellious nations to repentance.

v. 8  Second angel, trumpet, great mountain burning with fire thrown into the sea. 1/3 of the sea became blood.  1/3 of sea creatures died, 1/3 of the ships destroyed.
This shows God’s sovereignty over another sphere of human life, the oceans, 70% of the earth.
The first plague in Egypt turned the Nile into blood.  That echoes Jer. 51:25 & 42 where God announced he would make Babylon a “burnt mountain” and cover it with the sea.
Ezekiel 38:22 "And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone."

v. 10  Third angel, trumpet, great star falls from heaven, blazing like a torch or star, fell on 1/3 of the rivers and springs.  That star is named Wormwood.
C.S. Lewis?  Screwtape letters?   A series of letters from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew, a junior "tempter" named Wormwood.
This book shows the importance of taking a deliberate role in living out Christian faith by portraying a typical human life, with all its temptations and failings, as seen from devils' viewpoints.
Chernobyl means wormwood…interesting…This accident that occurred in Russia affected mostly communist countries (those who deny God)…maybe God’s judgment???
1/3 of the waters became Wormwood, many people died because of the bitter water.
Just as the Nile’s bloody waters became undrinkable…
Cities could be forced to surrender by sheer thirst.
This “blazing torch” (Wormwood) could represent a huge meteorite falling to earth.

v. 12  Fourth angel, 1/3 of the sun was struck, 1/3 of the moon, 1/3 of the stars, 1/3 of their light will be darkened, 1/3 of the day will be kept from shining likewise, 1/3 of the night.
This resembles the 9th plague on Egypt (Ex. 10:21-23)
The billowing smoke from burning cities may be causing this darkness, but the ultimate source is God’s reign and judgment.
All this judgment…but it’s going to get worse.

v. 13  John looked and saw an Eagle crying with a loud voice flying overhead, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow!”
Almost like, you thought that was bad…
These last three trumpets signify escalating judgments on rebellious humanity as the end approaches.

Where does all this rebellion start?  At birth…
Bible verses on disobedient children…2 Tim. 3:1-5 
 “Man's most basic problem has never been a lack of intelligence or education, but a nature that is fallen and morally corrupted.  Unless man experiences a new birth, in which he receives  a new spiritual nature from God, he is doomed to the destructive influence of his fallen nature.”
As bad as these judgments of God are…thank God Christians will be spared that wrath.
Now you see why I started with the basic need for every human to “clean up after themselves.”
And remember, our title today is “God withholds judgment.”
It could be so much worse!
Continual repentance, spiritual breathing…

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Revelation 7   “A description of heaven.”

Intro…TULIP  Perserverance of the saints…once saved, always saved, we can’t lose our salvation. 
Revelation 7
Big Pic:  “The Sealing of God’s international Israel.”
Text:  Revelation 7

v. 1-8  The 144,000
Chapter 7  is an interlude or interruptive period in the chronology of Revelation, showing God's program of grace and salvation during the period of judgment.
It’s also known as “The Sealing of God’s international Israel.”
There are two other interludes in Revelation, 10:1-11 through 11:14, and 20:1-6.
These interludes explain the place of the saints in the events of Revelation.

There are different interpretations of the 144,000.
What is the relation between these 144,000 and the innumerable multitude “from every nation?”
These 144,000 could either be an actual number of Jewish believers brought to faith immediately after Jesus returns, or figuratively of a national conversion.
“Israel” could be a reference to the church, the new covenant people of God.
In this view, both the 144,000 and the international multitude are complimentary perspectives on the church and believers from every nation including ethnic Israel.
All these people are protected from the wrath of God, but will be exposed to persecution by evil enemies.
Either way, it’s a large group of people who are chosen, sealed and elected to be in God’s presence.

Think back over a month ago when we left of in Revelation 6, the sixth seal was opened with a great earthquake, the sun became blackened, the sky fell etc.  All hell broke loose.
God’s enemies cried out, “Who can stand?”
The answer is those “sealed” with the seal of the living
God.  v. 2.
Each of these servants of God will receive a "SEAL" on his forehead.  Not sure what it will look like but will be visible.
 That’s why John sees four angels holding back the four winds of judgment until all of God’s servants have received his seal.
Remember last week we talked about a royal signet ring?  This is similar.
Our seal as Christians is the name of the Lamb and of God. (14:1)
This seal is promised to all who conquer by faith.  It’s the opposite of the mark of the beast and symbolizes God’s ownership and protection of his people.
What as the seal or mark of God under the Old Covenant?  Circumcision.
v. 3   Under the New Covenant, God’s Holy Spirit seals us as his property.
Another angel is ascending and saying, “Don’t harm the earth until we have sealed the servants of God.”
144,000 were sealed, 12,000 for each of the 12 tribes of Israel.
God will raise up an army of 144,000 Jewish evangelists to spread across the globe and bring in a soul harvest of unimaginable proportions.

v. 9-17  A great multitude from every nation will be saved.
v.  9-10  Multitudes of people standing before the throne of God saying, “Salvation belongs to our God.”  Wearing white robes of victorious martyrs.
v. 11-12  Angels and living creatures fell on their faces and worshipped God…
v. 13-17  Who are these people?  (The elder asked John)
The ones coming out of the great tribulation washed white in the blood of the Lamb.
They serve God all day and night, sheltered in his presence.

The sufferings on earth mentioned in v. 13-14 are now left behind.
There will be no more hunger or thirst or scorching sun.
No more tears.
That’s why we have so many great songs, especially the gospel songs that talk about a glorious life in heaven.
Many of our great gospel songs were written by slaves who couldn’t wait to escape this earth.
Since most slaves couldn’t read or write, (against the law to teach them) these songs had secret hidden meanings so they could communicate to each other without their owners knowing.
Under the protective care of the Lamb, our Shepherd, we will find refreshment in springs of living water.

So what’s the big picture here?  What is the practical advice, take home stuff for today?   
(4 things)
Revelation chapter 7 represents eternal hope.  The end of suffering. 
I’m sure many of us have suffered here on earth or know people who have suffered…

Worshipping God in heaven.  You think our worship is good, or maybe you’ve been to a conference with hundreds or thousands of people worshipping….that’s nothing!  When we get to heaven, the worship will be better than we can imagine.

One thing we learn from Revelation is that although the Antichrist will have power over all peoples and languages, he will not deceive everyone.
Verse 9 makes it clear that the preaching of the gospel by the 144,000 Jewish witnesses will reach a multitude that no one can number, from every language, tribe, and people.
So, even Satan's control will not keep people from receiving Christ individually.
Everything is under God’s control, including the Antichrist and his limited influence.
Nations and peoples may have rejected Christ, but individuals can still receive Him.
John 1: 10-12  

Although 144,000 and a "great nation" will be saved, this doesn't mean all will be saved or universalism.
God will not force his love on anyone, but some will reject his love.
Deut. 4: 29   This is a promise from God Almighty.

Conclusion:  So today we’re talking about heaven…
 Jr. Seau’s paddleout…
Huge event at Qualcomm, all over the papers…
People tend to say, “He’s in a better place” at all funerals.
Well, I certainly hope so…
What about the funerals of atheists.  I guess they think they just cease to exist.
Not a lot of hope there…

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

(To hear a podcast of this sermon, please go to and click on "Sermons.")

“Stuff Christians like, Does the OT still count?”
2 Tim 3:14-17

Intro:   I love the OT.  Growing up I would read it to discover new treasures and crazy stories.  I kept track of many of my favorite ones…
But some people wonder if the OT still counts…book p. 154

Today we conclude our series, “Stuff Christians like.”
We covered:  What's with all the hand raising?" (Worship). 
"Abstinence...really?" (Sex and Relationships).
"Feeling righteous about giving 10%" (God and Money).
And today is “Does the OT still count? (The importance of the entire Bible).

Big Pic:   The entire bible is God’s revelation to us.   We can only learn about the totality of God’s character and his plan for our salvation when we read all 66 books.

Text:  2 Tim 3:14-17

“All Scripture is inspired by God or God-breathed.”
When that letter was written to Timothy what were the Scriptures? The Books of the Old Testament.  The New Testament was still in formation.
Testament means “covenant” or “contract.”
The Bible is God’s contract with us that he came to save us, that he wants to be in relationship with us.

What did Jesus read, quote and pray from?  The  OT.
Remember, Jesus and Paul were Jews, from the Jewish history of the OT.
For Jesus, the OT was THE bible.
Luke 4:18-19  quoted from Isaiah 61:1-2
Jesus prayed the book of Psalms.
Mark 15:34 is a quotation from Ps 22:1
Luke 23:46 comes from Ps 31:5

Want to get to know Jesus better?  Read the OT.
The Temple in the Old Testament has been replaced by Jesus in the New Testament (Matt 12:6).
Israel in the Old Testament has been replaced by the Church in the New Testament. 
As Christians today, we stand on the shoulders of our Jewish ancestors.
To understand the New Covenant made in Jesus we need to know the Old Covenant with Moses.
Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus in chapter 1 has much more significance when we know the Old Testament characters to whom he refers.

The OT is full of prophesies about Jesus and he fulfilled them.
What is a prophecy? God speaking through a servant/ prophet to describe a coming event long before it happens.
Over 300 OT prophecies are fulfilled in the NT.
Parts of the Old Testament are understood best if read as referring to Jesus. 
The OT points to Jesus,   Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Links between OT and NT.
Important words to know when learning about the Bible:  Old Covenant and New Covenant, Old Testament and New Testament.
Here is the universal truth that emerges from and unifies both Covenants throughout the fourteen hundred years that the Bible was composed: God loves us and offers a relationship with him. 
That is the common thread that runs throughout the Bible.
The interrelation between the Old and the New is rich and profound and important.
The key is to know both the Old and New Testaments thoroughly.
How do we do that?  Lots of reading….
Yahweh in the Old Testament is the Father of Jesus, whom Jesus calls Abba.
The God of the OT is the God of the NT and today.  God could act in judgment on us today just as he did with the people in the time of Noah when he flooded the earth because of their wickedness.
The New Testament is in the Old concealed, and the Old is in the New revealed.
The Old Testament is to the New Testament what promise is to fulfillment.

What about those crazy OT laws?
Jesus came to fulfill or complete the OT law.
…We find Jewish cleanliness rules in Leviticus 11. 
In contrast to these cleanliness rules, Jesus in Mark 7:14-23 pronounced all foods clean.
According to Lev 13-14 leprosy and skin diseases made one unclean but Jesus touched the lepers when healing them in Mark 1:40-45.
We need to be careful to never simplistically transfer every verse from the Old Covenant (like executing mediums and adulterers or rebellious children) to the New Covenant, which instead provides forgiveness and reconciliation and restoration.
But remember, most of the Old Testament does have a value on its own and should not be devalued merely because it is before Jesus.
Old Testament truths find their amplification and explanation and fullness in the New Testament.
For example, the animal sacrifices in the OT points toward Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross.  And today we take communion…
The NT makes ample use of the OT in the double theme of prophecy and promise.

“Oh, but I like reading the NT.  It’s so much more practical to today.”
Our faith and theology will only grow deeper and better as we study both OT and NT.
The OT reveals many timeless and universal themes, like faith and salvation, and hope and praise to God.
But this book has also been fulfilled in Christ, as God had promised. Now the New Covenant guides the believer in Christ (and the rest of society if it wants).
We now read the Old Testament through the eyes of Christ.

Let’s go back to our 2 Timothy 3:14-17
“Continue in what you have learned.”  Keep reading the Bible, always learning, always growing and being challenged.
“…from infancy have known the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.”   Some of you are fortunate to have been raised in the faith, regardless, what is really important here is that the Bible makes us wise for salvation through Jesus.
Once we recognize that all scripture is God breathed or inspired than we will be able to use it for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
And that will equip us for every good work.

How has God revealed himself to us?
OT: Up close and personal, miraculous signs, crazy miracles.
NT: Jesus
Today: Holy Spirit.

Conclusion:  Just think of you favorite book series, 
You aren’t going to start in book 3 or 5, right?

Communion intro:   Old Covenant, New Covenant. Animal sacrifice and Jesus’ sacrifice.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

“Stuff Christians like, Giving back to God.”
2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Intro:  I think for most of us it’s a bit unsettling to see famous preachers with a lot of money, or at least showing it off.  
There are some pastors and churches that teach a prosperity gospel  which claims the Bible teaches that financial blessing is the will of God for Christians. The doctrine teaches that faith, positive speech, and donations to Christian ministries will always increase one's material wealth.
It also says that as Christians, we deserve a wealthy life and that if you don’t have that, then you must be doing something wrong in your life or that you don’t have enough faith.

I will tell you right now, that is dead wrong.
God never promises that we’d be rich or wealthy just because we’re Christians.

To the contrary, we are called to a live of service and giving.
Acts 20:35  In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Remember how Jesus is our example?  He came into the world humbly and never preached a health and wealth gospel.
Today, instead of just talking about money, I wanted to broaden the definition of what it means to give back to God.

What are some our favorite things in life, things
we like to hold on to tightly?

Big Pic:   God loves a cheerful giver.

Text:  2 Corinthians 9:6-11
This passage is titled “Sowing generously” in some translations.
What a great title.  When you think of sowing, what comes to mind?
Seeing fruit or a plant, something growing, happening.

And something will happen when we give generously back to God.
He will use the things we give back to him to multiply our blessings.

That doesn’t guarantee that we’ll get rich monetarily, but the riches God wants to give us far exceed what we think we need.

v. 6  A principle of sowing and reaping.
 “You reap what you sow.”   Psalm 126:5, Proverbs 22:8
It’s a difference of throwing out a lot of seeds or just a few.   The results will be obvious.
We’ve got a much better chance of seeing the fruit of our giving, when we sow generously.

v. 7  Think wisely and pray about what God is asking you to give.
It’s unwise to give something away that you need to survive.
It’s also unwise to give yourself in service in an area you are uncomfortable in, not good at, or can’t do with joy.
“Not reluctantly or under compulsion.”
Our thesis for today, “God loves a cheerful giver” is actually some deep theology.
It is vital that we learn to give cheerfully, otherwise it’s almost not worth it at all.
God doesn’t need our money, he wants our hearts.

 “God doesn’t command Christians to give a certain amount, but he provides opportunities to give generously.”

Yes, the Bible suggests 10% as a place to start, but don’t get to self-righteous about that amount.  
Showing off your giving…

v. 8  Once we get our hearts and attitudes right and are able to give back to God, he will give us those rewards we seek.
Again, I know it’s tempting to expect to be rewarded or blessed by God either monetarily or in a way that we think we need.
But here’s what God wants to give us when we give back to him;
Grace, love, mercy, joy, an unselfish heart, a servant attitude, being known as a generous person, being loved by many.
“In all things, at all times, having all that you need”
Then we’ll be able to abound in good works (bless others).
Why?  Because we’re so grateful for all God has given us!

Recent big lotto? 
I already won the lotto…wife, kids, food and shelter, plus WAY more.  I am truly a blessed man…and so are most of you!

v. 10  God supplies everything from the start, it’s all his to begin with.
This harvest that God will increase has more to do with a harvest of righteousness than of material goods.
The harvest that we will reap is that harvest of souls.
God will use us and our resources as instruments of his grace for the salvation of others.

v. 11  You will be enriched in every way, to be generous in every way…all to the glory of God.
Again, the blessings we will receive from God when we give back to him have almost nothing to do with money.
When God provides for our needs, it allows us to continue to generously meet others needs and give resources to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ!

God loves it when we cheerfully give back to him:
Our lives
Our hearts
Our minds
Our kids
Our families
Our money
Our time
Our gifts
Our prized possessions
Our service to others
Everything we hold dear.


“Give it all away”…within reason. 

VIDEO   The Loser   Switchfoot song…
Only the losers win
They've got nothing to prove
They'll leave the world with nothing to lose
You can laugh at the weirdos now
Wait till wrongs are right
They'll be the ones with nothing to hide

'Cause I've been thinking, thinking
I've got a plan to lose it all
I've got a contract pending on eternity
If I haven't already given it away
I've got a plan to lose it all