(To hear a podcast of this sermon, please go to www.pacificviewbaptist.com and click on Sermons from the menu on the left.)
Christmas Unity
Intro…The Chargers actually won!
(Union Tribune), “After 57 days Philip Rivers was smiling. Even Norv Turner allowed a grin en route to his first post-game victory speech since Oct. 9th.” However, the game is blacked out today…
Just as (for some) sports can unite a city, Christmas can and should be something that unites us all.
Christmas stuff everywhere, music etc. even though some people want to call it “The Holidays.”
Big Pic: Christmas can unite the general population, if they choose to participate.
Through Christmas, Christ can change a life, if a person is willing.
Text: Matthew 2:1-2, Luke 2:6-15
Birth announcement
Who gets invited to this special birth?
They young, The Rich and The Fringe
The young (Mary and Joseph, obviously)
Mary and Joseph were a young, scared couple. God entrusted the future of his own son to them.
The young is the future of every church.
Why do you think McDonalds puts those nifty play structures right out front where all the parents and kids can see them?
The parents bring the kids and spend the money.
Let’s consider together how our church will be attractive to young families and young people.
As we grow and flex as a church, let’s keep the next generation in mind.
The rich (Magi, could’ve been 3 or more) Matt. 2:1-12
These were the upper class, priests and experts in mysteries in Persia and Babylon.
However, by this time “magi or wise men” applied to a wide range of people whose practices included astrology, dream interpretation, study of sacred writings, the pursuit of wisdom and magic.
These wise men traveled with a large number of attendants and guards for the long journey, which would have taken several weeks up to 40 days.
V. 11 They brought expensive gifts to Jesus, gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Average income of people in Encinitas area: over $90,000.00
Median house price: $600,000.00
That’s rich to me…
God is asking us to also reach our “rich” neighbors.
The Shepherds were on the fringe, invited into this grand event by God.
Shepherds were stinky, living in the fields with smelly sheep.
They didn’t wear the fancy clothes like the magi.
They didn’t bring expensive gifts…
The fringe in our community could be those surfers…
Or to some people, these are people on the fringe: homeless. Couples living together, homosexuals, someone with a drinking/drug problem, someone with too many tattoo’s, a person that been divorced…twice, a theologically confused person, a non-Christian, a Presbyterian, a street kid, a goth, Encinitas new ager,
or anyone you are uncomfortable around…
The fringe should be able to walk into our church and feel welcomed.
But also need to remember that the fourth presence at Jesus’ birth was
The divine (angels, God’s presence, God himself)
In a healthy church, God’s presence is obvious.
Meeting with Ron Bachman, talking theology, “How do you explain God’s presence?”
It will be the love of Jesus and the presence of God that will truly help welcome people into our church.
And there you have a picture of healthy church life.
The young and the old
The rich and the poor
God himself
I chose this theme of unity today because this is the third service we’ve done together since Thanksgiving.
Today we’re not only talking about the birth of Christ, but also about the importance of unity.
Let’s pray together as a church on how we can move forward with this idea.
Went to the Encinitas “holiday parade” with the little ones. Ended up sitting with Relda, Becky and Josiline.
Tons of people and entries. Definitely an event that unites the town of Encinitas.
Fun event, a few churches were there…
Swami’s “Joy to the world.”
You all know how the song goes…
Let’s sing it…Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her king, let every heart prepare Him room.
Christmas should unite us as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
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