James 3:1-12 Taming the tongue
Intro…things we learned growing up…
• “Sticks and stones may break my bones”…(but words will never hurt me.)
• “Oh be careful little mouth what you say”…(for the Father up above is looking down in love)
• Verses from Proverbs…lots of 'em
• "Before the tongue can speak, it must have lost the power to wound."
• “Everyone should be quick to listen…(slow to speak…) James 1:19
• “No man can tame the tongue…(it is a restless evil, full of deadly poison)
Thesis: By taming the tongue, one has a much better chance of keeping the whole body in check.
Text: James 3:1-12
What James is saying is that it all starts in the mind and from there leads into what comes out of our mouths, off our tongues and into our actions.
(Then he gives obvious, practical examples)
• Horse (bits)
• Ships (rudder)
• Body (tongue)
• Fire (small spark)
• Tongue (can be a fire, setting the whole course of life on fire, set on fire by hell…
• A wicked tongue and resulting actions come straight from hell, that is sin, wicked intentions., yes it’s that serious!)
Recent example, Ukrainian parliament
• All kinds of animals can be tamed…but no man can tame the tongue.
• Yelling/arguing
What does it take to tame all these things? (Something small)
• For us humans that small thing that needs to be trained is the tongue.
• We do that by immersing ourselves in the word of God.
• Garbage in/garbage out?….godly character in/godly character out.
• Meditate day and night on the scripture, memorize it.
"The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood."
"Better slip with foot than tongue"
Now that we’ve been reminded of the deadly potential of our tongues, let’s keep a couple things in mind:
v. 3 Let’s not rush into teaching (the word of God)
• Years ago at youth camp I was asked what I fear…misrepresenting the word of God.
• This verse applies to teaching little kids all the way through adults, but especially with adults and in particular to pastors/preachers.
• James writes this because there was a prevailing desire among those to whom he wrote to become public teachers, without much regard for the proper qualifications for that office.
• Hopefully a teacher/preachers gifts are easily recognized and there are fruits to his teaching, saved souls.
• If someone feels like God has given them the gift of teaching his word, then they need to be given a chance to exercise that gift.
• The body of Christ, the church will then know if that is a true calling.
• The dilemma of volunteer SS teacher at Coastlands, those with questionable Christian lifestyles…
v. 9 Let’s not speak with a “forked tongue.”
• Just this week I had a conversation with one of my children about “cussing” and we talked about the broader subject of calling yourself a Christian but having actions that would cause someone to question that.
James once again gives such good, practical examples:
• Praise our Lord, yet curse men who have been made in God’s likeness
• We can’t get fresh water and salt water from the same spring.
• A fig tree can’t bear olives
• A grapevine can’t bear figs
• In the same way, a true Christian isn’t going to spew garbage out of their mouths.
• It just doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t sound right or look right.
• It’s easier to preach ten sermons that it is to live one.
• Some people are kind, polite and sweet spirited…until you try and sit in their pew.
Our Wed. night meeting/discussion on the changes here at church…it went well, people held their tongues….
• That will be key as we look for God’s direction.
• “God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.”
• "A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use."
v. 2 is the theme for our section today.
• It’s a fact we will all stumble in many ways
• However, if we are never at fault in our speech, we’re perfect (that’s the goal at least)
• Then we are able to keep our whole body in check.
• A calm tongue and proper speech brings honor to God.
• "I have often regretted my speech, never my silence."
• It would be better to leave people wondering why you didn't talk than why you did.
• If someone paid you ten cents for every kind word you said about people, and collected five cents for every unkind word, would you be rich or poor?
Intro…things we learned growing up…
• “Sticks and stones may break my bones”…(but words will never hurt me.)
• “Oh be careful little mouth what you say”…(for the Father up above is looking down in love)
• Verses from Proverbs…lots of 'em
• "Before the tongue can speak, it must have lost the power to wound."
• “Everyone should be quick to listen…(slow to speak…) James 1:19
• “No man can tame the tongue…(it is a restless evil, full of deadly poison)
Thesis: By taming the tongue, one has a much better chance of keeping the whole body in check.
Text: James 3:1-12
What James is saying is that it all starts in the mind and from there leads into what comes out of our mouths, off our tongues and into our actions.
(Then he gives obvious, practical examples)
• Horse (bits)
• Ships (rudder)
• Body (tongue)
• Fire (small spark)
• Tongue (can be a fire, setting the whole course of life on fire, set on fire by hell…
• A wicked tongue and resulting actions come straight from hell, that is sin, wicked intentions., yes it’s that serious!)
Recent example, Ukrainian parliament
• All kinds of animals can be tamed…but no man can tame the tongue.
• Yelling/arguing
What does it take to tame all these things? (Something small)
• For us humans that small thing that needs to be trained is the tongue.
• We do that by immersing ourselves in the word of God.
• Garbage in/garbage out?….godly character in/godly character out.
• Meditate day and night on the scripture, memorize it.
"The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood."
"Better slip with foot than tongue"
Now that we’ve been reminded of the deadly potential of our tongues, let’s keep a couple things in mind:
v. 3 Let’s not rush into teaching (the word of God)
• Years ago at youth camp I was asked what I fear…misrepresenting the word of God.
• This verse applies to teaching little kids all the way through adults, but especially with adults and in particular to pastors/preachers.
• James writes this because there was a prevailing desire among those to whom he wrote to become public teachers, without much regard for the proper qualifications for that office.
• Hopefully a teacher/preachers gifts are easily recognized and there are fruits to his teaching, saved souls.
• If someone feels like God has given them the gift of teaching his word, then they need to be given a chance to exercise that gift.
• The body of Christ, the church will then know if that is a true calling.
• The dilemma of volunteer SS teacher at Coastlands, those with questionable Christian lifestyles…
v. 9 Let’s not speak with a “forked tongue.”
• Just this week I had a conversation with one of my children about “cussing” and we talked about the broader subject of calling yourself a Christian but having actions that would cause someone to question that.
James once again gives such good, practical examples:
• Praise our Lord, yet curse men who have been made in God’s likeness
• We can’t get fresh water and salt water from the same spring.
• A fig tree can’t bear olives
• A grapevine can’t bear figs
• In the same way, a true Christian isn’t going to spew garbage out of their mouths.
• It just doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t sound right or look right.
• It’s easier to preach ten sermons that it is to live one.
• Some people are kind, polite and sweet spirited…until you try and sit in their pew.
Our Wed. night meeting/discussion on the changes here at church…it went well, people held their tongues….
• That will be key as we look for God’s direction.
• “God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.”
• "A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use."
v. 2 is the theme for our section today.
• It’s a fact we will all stumble in many ways
• However, if we are never at fault in our speech, we’re perfect (that’s the goal at least)
• Then we are able to keep our whole body in check.
• A calm tongue and proper speech brings honor to God.
• "I have often regretted my speech, never my silence."
• It would be better to leave people wondering why you didn't talk than why you did.
• If someone paid you ten cents for every kind word you said about people, and collected five cents for every unkind word, would you be rich or poor?
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