Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A surfers memorial

It’s one thing to read about the Lex talionis in Exodus 21 and yet a whole ‘nother thing to see how that applies today. This topic became especially relevant with the current death of a local surfer in La Jolla. He was beat to death by four of his “friends”.

I was thinking that certainly the family of Emery Kauanui who was beat to death must want just punishment for these four men. Yet in talking with Henry Wagner after church I learned that his mother has been talking about forgiving these four men. Now that is an amazing application for this Old Testament passage. That ties in perfectly the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:38-42 where he tell us to "turn the other cheek" and forgive.
One big hint that allows us to better understand this mothers forgiveness is that fact the the memorial service held before the paddle out (pictured left) was at Coast Vineyard Christian Fellowship. For the mother to be able to start to forgive her sons murderers, is truly an act of God. I pray that the words spoken by the pastor at his service will communicate the message of God's love and forgiveness for everyone involved in this tragic death.


Anonymous said...

cool pic.

Anonymous said...

Hi Evan
I don't believe her forgiveness is necessarily FOR the guys that murdered her son but more for herself. Her holding onto that kind of anger doesn't affect those men that killed her son one way or the other...they don't know that she is mad. Forgiveness in this situation is "freeing" HERSELF. Forgiveness is giving her freedom.
Diff. situation for me but same decision that needed to be made. Anger vs. forgiveness. The forgiveness was the easy part...
Still contemplating the recourse/retaliation part of my situation (legal action, of course or just letting it go) Still pondering on that one.
Does forgiving someone mean TOTAL forgiveness and just walking away and that we don't seek legal recourse? hmmm interested in hearing what you think about that.

Evan Lauer said...

Interesting you should say that forgiveness was the easy part. I can see what you mean. It's all the messy stuff that follows that original choice to forgive, trying to move on in life etc.

I think we should use our God given wisdom and Christian heart (balanced with what Jesus said in Matthew) to know where to go next. Sometimes legal recourse is necessary. The text in Exodus reminds us of the value of human life and how we should be careful in treating others. Sometimes applying the "lex talionis" means getting what is just compensation.

God left it up to the judges at the time to decide and I bet that meant "payback" in some circumstances. Remember, it's not always a literal or wooden rule to follow. If I were you'd I'd pray about what you feel you may need to do, talk to mature Christians you respect and go from there.

Anonymous said...

My prayers go out to this Mom! What an inspirational example of forgiveness.....certainly a better example than I would set I am afraid. If someone murdered someone that I loved, my first reaction would be anger and revenge. Without God, I am not much. When I lost my brother, I was devastated. -Laurie Annett