Giving back to God
Mark 12:41-44, 2 Corinthians 8:2-7, Malachi 3:7-12
Intro… A Monk giving everything to God…a bit extreme…that’s not going to be most of us…
Text: Mark 12:41-44
First of all, I think it’s important that we all think about the title of today’s sermon...giving back to God.
• We give out of gratitude, gratefulness, acknowledging that God allows us to even have anything in the first place.
• Think about when someone does something incredible generous for you. Most of us want to give something back. “That was so kind, what can I ever do to pay you back?”
The money we give to God should come right off the top, the first check we write after getting paid.
• Why? God deserves our best, not the leftovers. I know that’s a huge step of faith, but that’s when God can really show you some crazy stuff.
• Proverbs 3:9-10
• Don’t just tithe when you’re rolling in dough….Mark 12:41b
• “I can tithe now, I’m covered, here’s a little for you God.” God wants/deserves our best.
Give with a cheerful heart, right attitude.
• How many of you have ever volunteered for something? If you show up with a bad attitude, it’s no fun for anyone.
• How could God be pleased if you are giving spitefully?
• 2 Cor. 9:7-8
Support your local church.
• “Think globally, act locally.”
• Pacific View is part of something bigger than ourselves. We support missionaries and our denomination is HUGE!
How much to give?
• Lev. 27:30 “Tithe” literally means 10%.
• 10%...a good place to start, but be careful!
• If you’re too concerned about the “gross/net” thing, then you are already heading in the wrong direction.
Does anyone want to share today on how God has blessed you because of tithing?
• God has all of us here today for a purpose…
• BTW, today’s message is really for our regulars...
God wants all of us, not just our money.
• Besides your money, what else can you give to God?
• 2 Corinthians 8:1-7
Still doubting? Check out Malachi 3:7-12
• Yes, God is asking you to actually test him in this area. Makes no sense, but go ahead and start tithing on what little you may have now.
• We have a tendency to be so tight with all our stuff...especially our money.
• In Matthew, Mark, and Luke 1 out of every 6 verses deals with money. Of the 29 parables Christ told, 16 deal with a person and his money.
• An employee in the bill-collection dept. of a large store gives us important insight into the human nature:
• An oft repeated response from people who are delinquent in paying their bills: “I know you must have others who owe a lot more than I do. Stop bugging me!”
• Problem is, these people are missing the point entirely. Yes, there are others who owe more, however, what they owe isn’t the issue. Our records show that YOUR account is overdue!
• When it come to money issues, our tendency is to shift attention from ourselves by pointing the finger at others.
• “Yeah, well, I might not be tithing, but I’m sure everyone else is, and the church seems to be doing OK, they never have to beg and plead for money…”
• Thank God, we are doing fine in finance dept. year after year...but that’s only because people have taken it upon themselves to make sure they are tithing.
• Or you could be saying, “Hey at least I’m giving something and it’s better than those “pagans” who don’t go to church and never give anything.
• Well, guess what, the “pagans” are pointing at us and figure we’re just hypocrites anyways, cause they see us mess up…
• God isn’t fooled by any of us finger pointers. He’s seeing right into our hearts and minds.
God doesn’t need our money, just our heart, because God doesn’t operate on a money scale anyways.
• And once he has our hearts, we won’t have a problem giving back to him.
“The sooner we realize that no one owes more to God than we do, the more likely we are to receive his free forgiveness. He extends pardon only to those who humbly acknowledge that they are hopelessly in debt.
Remember today’s sermon title...Giving back to God.
• Psalm 50:7-12 He owns everything…
• I know this is a huge area of faith for all of us. I want God’s best for you and this is an important step in the right direction.
Any tithing/blessing stories?
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