“The social network, the importance of small groups.”
Intro…“The social network” FB, etc.
• I am now at 506 friends, kinda weird…
• Jesus had a social network too…crowds of followers demanding his attention, raw disciples needing to learn…
• We need to connect in life. As humans we need each other. This bonding or connection happens on many levels. Initially (hopefully) with your family, friends, teammates, roommates, boyfriends/girlfriends, new families, church families etc.
Big Picture: As Christians, we need to connect with each other for support, accountability and encouragement. The best way for that to happen is to meet in small groups.
Text: Mark 3:7-14
Jesus spent lots of time with many disciples. How many disciples did Jesus have? (He picked 12 to spend most of his time with,)
• Let’s get a perspective as to why Jesus needed to spend time with a smaller group of disciples. (see highlighted passages from Mark 1:32-3:20)
• He also spent time with a few…Mark 5:35-37, 9:2, 14:32-34.
• Even Jesus saw the value in small groups, trusting the future of Christianity to 12 men.
• So, we are talking connecting on a big scale (Sunday am), smaller scale (comm. Groups) and an even smaller scale 1-3 close friends.
Small groups are really about community, connecting and discipleship.
Actually getting to know some people at church. Having them pray for you, hold you accountable to your growth, getting connected.
Our small groups are:
• Discussion oriented (most of ‘em).
• Time oriented (usually between 1 1/2 to 2 hours, depending on how long you hang out…)
• A place to ask questions you can’t on Sunday am.
• A place to open up your life, be accountable. (I know it’s scary...but o-so good for you. And don’t worry it’s not like AA...)
• There’s normal people that attend these groups….
• A place to pray and be prayed for…
• A place where you will feel cared for/loved on and taken care of.
• As you get to know that group, it will become your “mini-church’.
• They will and should take care of you even before I hear about it!
• A place to grow deeper in your faith/discipleship…
• When you hear “discipleship” what come to mind?
As a church we exist to: Love God, love others and serve the world.
• One of the best ways to love others is through a small group.
Let’s take a look at some good verses on this subject of growing deeper in your faith:
Matthew 16:24-26
• To truly follow Jesus will require a level of sacrifice.
• What part of your pride do you need to let go in order to go deeper with God?
Luke 18:28-30
• Even to these extremes (if necessary) we should be willing to follow Christ.
• We need to follow Christ even if it means giving up those things that are so near and dear to our hearts.
Why should we have this type of dedication to Jesus?
• Because: 1 Peter 2:9
• But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you. 1 Peter 2:9
• Look at these titles we get as Christians:
• Chosen people royal priesthood holy nation a people belonging to God
• We need to act like it!
I’m going to assume that no one is dragging you here kicking and screaming every week.
• So, if you are at all serious about your Christian faith, then you will take the next step which is getting connected to a small groups which is a form of discipleship.
Here’s what we’ve got for small groups for now.
• Tuesday evenings
• Wednesday evenings
• Other nights, more groups?
• OR You tell me what kind of small groups you’d be interested. If we find enough matches, we’ll organize new groups! Base ‘em on common interest.
What if I’m afraid to jump from Sunday’s into a possibly confrontational small group?
• Start on a “lower level.” Tech team, music, greeters…see bulletin.
• It’s great when you get to church and actually know some people…
• The challenge for every church (100 or 5000) is to get people in small groups.
• You will never be as connected to God, other Xians and this church…
• What happens if you don’t connect? We lose you…”I never really go to know anyone at that church.”
Theme for today? We want you to be able to connect with a smaller group of people outside of Sunday morning…so that you can grow deeper in your faith with God.
• I’ve been fortunate enough to have been involved in “small groups” for over 30 years now…these groups have been instrumental in my walk with God.
• FB vs. real life…contact is kinda like the large church service vs. small groups.
• And as great as it is to have hundreds of “friends” on FB or at church, there is nothing like real time conversations.
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