Zechariah 7:8-14
(to listen to a podcast of this sermon, please visit www.pacificviewbaptist.com and click on "sermons" from the menu on the left.)
Intro… ”I don’t need church”, “The ocean is my church.” “I love Jesus but not the church.”
• If someone were to ask you why you go to church, what would be your answer…?
• Yes, all churches have problems…yet for the Christian who is truly committed to God, staying away from them is a form of self-righteousness.
• Some people are too full of pride to find a local body of Christ and learn to get along with everyone in that church.
• There is no way you can grow deeper in your faith unless you are involved in a community of faith.
• It’s like a family, sometimes gets along, sometimes doesn’t….
• We need each other for support, accountability etc.
• If we really want to get to know Jesus better, you must be deeply involved in the church.
• And remember, “the church” is the people, large or small group.
• Only if you are part of a community of believers seeking to resemble, love and serve Jesus will you ever get to know him and grow into his likeness.
• Big Pic: Being actively involved in the “church” is a sign of your commitment to God and shows a desire to grow deeper in your faith.
Text: Zechariah 7:8-14
Brief background to Zechariah:
• Zechariah is a OT prophet encouraged the people to finish the Temple.
• They had laid the foundation for the Temple in 536, but the work had stalled for about 15 years.
• Zechariah predicted more about the Messiah than any other prophet except Isaiah.
• This book is one of consolation and hope, beginning with a call to repentance and ending with prophecies concerning the return of Christ.
In chapter 7, he tells the people to move from ritual to reality in their worship of God.
• He does what all prophets do best, tell people things they don’t want to hear!
Let’s take a look at chapter 7…
• The people are asking, (v. 3) “Should we weep and fast as we have done for so many years?”
• Zechariah’s response…(v.4-6) ”Are you fasting and mourning for yourselves or for God?” IOW, do you have the right motives?
• Religion without obedience and justice is empty.
• These people’s ancestors had brought God’s wrath by hardening their hearts.
• And now the Israelites had lost their sincere desire for a loving relationship with God.
• That’s usually what messes up church life…when it becomes more about the programs and performance than a loving relationship with God and others.
• Now that the temple was being rebuilt, the people were questioning whether there was a need to observe these rituals.
• So, when we go to church, small groups, pray or fellowship with other Christians, are we doing it out of habit or routine?
• Or maybe for only what you can get out of it.
• An attitude of worship without a sincere desire to know and love God will lead to his anger and our ruin.
• Then Zechariah gives examples of healthy “church” life…what a gathered group of believers should be acting like…
V. 8-10 “And the word of the Lord came to Zechariah” (remember what I said last week about God’s revelation in the OT)
• Render true judgments (be careful how we judge others, always recognizing our own failures…)
• Show kindness and mercy to each other (that never gets old)
• Don’t oppress those in need (widows, fatherless, poor, etc.)
• Quit backstabbing each other (why is that so easy?)
• This is healthy church life!
Look at the contrast in those who are not acting godly to each other; v. 11-14
• Refusing to pay attention (to God)
• Turned a stubborn shoulder
• Stopped their ears that they might not hear
• Made their hearts diamond-hard (Chilean miners) lest they should hear the law and words of the Lord
And here is the consequence: (v. 12b-14)
• Great anger from the Lord (or what we tend to think of as the “OT God”….when actually that’s the eternal, timeless God.)
• God turning a deaf ear toward us! v. 13
• A scattered people…(just the opposite of what we need)
• A land left desolate
• Video clip of “The book of Eli”
• A land (or heart of group of people) left desolate
We come to church, we are the church, we gather with the church:
• Out of respect for God
• To worship him, be humbled before him and to hear what he has to say.
• To stay accountable to our brothers and sisters in Christ.
• To show what a healthy family should look like…showing kindness and mercy to each other, taking care of the poor.
• To stay nurtured, cared for, loved on.
• To keep us from being scattered and desolate.
Being around God’s people will also help us to:
• …listen to God, keep from being stubborn, open our ears and soften our hearts.
• … better hear the words of the Lord.
• So whether it’s the surfer/ministry guy I read about at the beginning of the sermon or “Patrick” not wanting to go to church because they were talking about God’s judgment…
• It’s not up to me or any other pastor to tell you how many Sunday’s a year to be in church.
• What I can tell you is to be in church more often than not this year.
• I’d also like you to broaden your definition of church this year and realize the importance of gathering with other Christians under many different circumstances.
Q & A?
Communion intro
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