Service in the church, 2011
Intro… In the SuperBowl...it’s all about teamwork...
Big Picture: Today I am concluding our series, “Foundations of the faith.” I’m going to talk about being a servant, especially to our committed attenders, members and everyone who considers this their home church.
I’d like you to view our church in three ways today:
• 1. As a team where every member is vital.
• 2. As a body where all parts work together and need each other.
• 3. As a family where we all pitch in to get the job done.
Text: 1 Cor. 12:14-20
Our church as a team.
• Joshua 6:1-6 what a great story of teamwork
• God had a plan from the beginning. (vs. 2), same with this church.
• God set up leaders to guide the people in the defeat of this city. (vs. 4) We’ve got leaders in this church that head up our teams.
• They marched with the Ark of the Covenant as a constant reminder of God’s presence. (vs. 6)
• This was literally God’s presence.
• When you get on the team, it’s important to remember why we are doing all this...to the glory of God.
• It was a concerted effort. They had to work together to pull this off. (vs. 16, 20-21).
It’s the same way every week here. We need all the team members here each week to offer this service to the community.
• Just like they experienced a great victory (vs. 20-21) we do also. Every week just having church and being here gives people an opportunity to give their hearts and lives to Jesus. And when that happens, the wall of pride and selfishness comes down!
• It’s called teamwork. When we all work hard to have a great Sunday morning each week...what a great feeling to be part of that.
Our church as a body. (“Ok, I recognize some needs, but does the church really need me?”)
• Can you function without an arm? An ear? An eye? A foot?
• Yes, but it forces all the other parts to work extra hard to compensate. (Zach’s toe surgery. He was fine until the sedatives wore off, then he rest of his body reacted to the wounded area.)
• 1 Cor. 12:12. This is the church body.
Vs. 21-22 It’s obvious, we need each other!
Vs. 27-31 lists the different gifts God gives us. Now, these are specifically spiritual gifts listed here, but the principle is the same. Discover what you like to do and then do it.
You may not have specific “gifts” when it comes to our Sunday morning teams, but
what we really need is just a willingness to serve.
• Once a month!
• Rotate and substitute when needed!
• Specific needs: pass out the flyers…
Our church as a family. Mark 10:35-45
• Check out the selfish motives of James and John in vs. 35 & 37…
• Imagine if our kids came to us with this request...I know how I’d react…”What did you just say?”
• Jesus is so full of grace in this story. Look at his response in vs. 38.
• “Drink the cup” refers to the cup of suffering.
• Next Jesus deals directly with pride. These rulers were full of pride in their high positions of authority
• “Not so with you.” says Jesus. (Everyone else may be acting this way…)
• “Not so with you.” (may be the key phrase of our Christian life…)
• Instead…(vs. 43-45) even Jesus did not come to be served...that’s HUGE!
• Jesus came to serve and wash the disciples feet.
• By serving others we are following the example of Jesus.
(Back to the family analogy)...What were some of the chores or responsibilities you had growing up?…And were you expected to do them? Why would our parents require this of us? It’s called helping out…
• It’s actually selfish for you to come here on a regular basis and only take.
• Again, if you are a regular attender here and not doing anything on Sunday mornings to help out, check your motives.
• The call to greatness comes through service.
Frank Grubbs, World Vision
An out-of-towner drove his car into a ditch in a desolated area. Luckily, a local farmer came to help with his big strong horse, named Buddy. He hitched Buddy up to the car and yelled, "Pull, Nellie, pull!" Buddy didn't move.
Then the farmer hollered, "Pull, Buster, pull!" Buddy didn't respond.
Once more the farmer commanded, "Pull, Coco, pull!"
Then the farmer nonchalantly said, "Pull, Buddy, pull!" And the horse easily dragged the car out of the ditch.
The motorist was most appreciative and very curious. He asked the farmer why he called his horse by the wrong name three times. The farmer said, "Oh, Buddy is blind and if he thought he was the only one pulling, he wouldn't even try."
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