Frequently avoided questions of the Christian faith “Do we need to sell God?” Romans 12:9-21
Intro….”Power team” and other gimmicks to get people into church
• An Arkansas church builds a new children’s sanctuary complete with a baptistry that resembles a fire engine that shoots confetti at the audience.
• A Brazilian church starts a new men’s club: a fight club in the basement.
• A denominational leader rides into a seminary chapel in a Hummer, dressed as General Patton, with blank-firing machine guns blazing.
• Dove World Outreach Center, a church with a name that could not sound like more of a scam if it tried, is hosting the first ever “International Burn a Koran Day,” which again succeeds in making almost every other group of people, except cannibals seem more reasonable.
Text: Romans 12: 9-18
Big Pic: In contrast to “selling God” if we have the true marks of a Christian, the Christian faith will sell itself.
When it comes to sharing our faith, some Christians struggle with questions like:
• Am I supposed to evangelize every single person I come in contact with?
• Is evangelism most effective through the spoken word or through large events?
• Am I always supposed to be on an agenda to convert all my friends?
• Does the church need to try and be the “coolest thing in town”
• in order for people to come?
• Were the disciples saved when Jesus said “follow me” or was it a journey that they took with Jesus which ended in salvation?
Let’s take a look at some of the marks of a true Christian.
Genuine love, Abhor what is evil, hold fast to what is good., Brotherly affection, Honor each other, Serve the Lord with zeal. Be thankful for the hope God gives us each day, Patient during tribulation, Constant in prayer, Hospitality, Bless those who persecute you, Rejoice with those who rejoice, Weep with those who weep, Live in harmony, Not too full of pride/helping the lowly, never wise in your own sight, Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone, If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
• Examples of how we do this?
This is such an amazing list, just reading through it, it is obvious that these are the marks of a true Christian.
• This is a description of a life that pleases God.
• What’s at the top of the list? Love
• And what I’m saying today is that if we live like this, we’ll never have to “sell God” or the church.
• If we are living like this every day of our lives, especially when we are around people who are not Christians, then the Christian faith will sell itself.
• That doesn’t mean we don’t participate in outreach events…I’ve asked you all to distribute these flyers, we’ll get a press release in the Coast News, we did the Skip Frye/Jay Adams deal back in November… we’ll do beach services this summer….
• I’ve tried lots of creative things over the years, but I do my best as a leader in the church not to go overboard.
• Yet, when people do actually come to church it’s important that they hear the truth, the gospel, the Bible, the words of God.
• Reader article…”vague spirituality” …which is worse!
When it comes to conversations with people about Christianity, we may be better off if we became skilled listeners, creating an atmosphere of dialogue.
• Yes it’s important to know what our faith is about, 1 Peter 3:13-17
• The average Christian lives, works, learns and plays among more non-believers than will be effected by church services.
• Evangelism is about so much more than just delivering a message. Conversation, dialog, interaction and listening as just as important as having a memorized speech about your faith.
• It’s not always our job to “close the deal” when it comes to sharing our faith. If it was, we’d be hucksters or telemarketers for Jesus.
• Movie, “Leap of faith.”
• As Christians we don’t need to live under a cloud of guilt if we don’t take every single opportunity to force the topic of salvation into every conversation and encounter with family, friends, coworkers, fellow students and strangers.
• As Matt. 22:36-39 reminds us, we need to “Love the Lord our God with all our heart, strength and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.”
• It’s actually not our job to convert anyone. God does it, and we are blessed to be a part of that process.
• Let’s get a new image of evangelism in our minds. Instead of “mass evangelism” only, it’s more about “you.”
• If we are not transformed into the kind of people who reflect Jesus, then what is the point in talking other people into becoming Christians?
Paul goes on to say in Romans 12:19-21
• Revenge or vengeance is not our job…
• On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
• This goes way beyond just caring for the poor and needy…
• In doing this, you will “heap burning coals on his head.”
• (This is a quote from Prov. 25:21-22 and is likely an image for leading someone to repentance, suggesting that they will feel inward burning pangs of guilt for doing wrong.
• However, in the OT, “burning coals” represented punishment. Christians are to do good to wrong doers, leaving their punishment up to God…12:19
• V. 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
• Again, the marks of a Christian…
• What come to mind when you hear the word Ambassador?
• A diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a foreign government/country as the resident representative of his or her own government/country.
• As Christians, that’s what we are here on earth…
• Some new Christians and even mature Christians just don’t want to ever tell others about Jesus. “It doesn’t fit my personality.”
• Promising to tell others about Jesus is not a requirement for being a Christian, but when we choose to accept Jesus, we become ambassadors for Christ.
• 2 Cor. 5:20, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors…”
• When God is doing great things in your life, it’s hard not to share it with others.
• Since we have been reconciled to God through Jesus, we now have the “ministry of reconciliation” according to 2 Cor. 5:18, “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation…”
• Since we are His ambassadors, it is our job to represent Christ well.
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