(To hear a podcast of this sermon, please go to www.pacificviewbaptist.com and click on Sermons from the menu on the left.)
The Resurrection Matthew 27:62-64
Last Sunday, the importance of the cross, today the importance of the resurrection and “Moving from Friday to Sunday.”
“It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming” VIDEO
The first Easter Sunday was so good because the days before had been so bad.
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion and Easter Sunday the resurrection.
The Saturday in between commemorates desperation. On that Saturday it seems that Christ was totally defeated as his body lay utterly dead in a rock tomb.
The spear had slice
Death was absolute. No one was betting on resurrection.
How could they? No one had ever seen a resurrection before..
Today we’ll see how we can get unstuck from “Saturday mindset” and move into “Sunday mindset.”
Big Pic: What a difference a new day can make. In the life of Jesus, Saturday seemed hopeless, but Sunday was glorious. In our lives, any day can seem hopeless. God gives us a new chance everyday to have a glorious life.
While Jesus’ opponents celebrate
The disciples hid behind closed doors in fear.
The disciples did not trust Jesus’ promises of a resurrection.
Mark 9:30-32
The women disciples did not intend to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection body, but to embalm his dead body. Mark 16:1-3
Application: We too can easily get stuck in Saturday, living with a Saturday state of mind—no hope, no courage, no plans, believing that death is the final end.
Not only are we talking about physical death, but the circumstances in your life that seem so hopeless.
Take a minute and think about a situation in your life that is bumming you out…
Everyone dies, but we try to avoid that reality.
We attempt to stay in the land of eternal youth, plastic surgery, botox, exercise, etc. etc.
We brush our teeth, eat good foods, pay our taxes, drive a Chevy….
Famous people who have died?
Love gets buried in a tomb, poetry gets buried in a tomb.
Is this all there is?
If it was, what a gloomy outlook.
Sunday—resurrection day—is a day of eternal love, life an
Mary Magdalene came to Jesus’ tomb stuck in a Saturday state of mind. John 20:11-18
The empty tomb did not take away her despair and grief.
The angels did not take away her despair and grief.
Mary Magdalene, the one Jesus befriended and delivered from demonic oppression, had the sadness of Saturday covering her heart.
She was “stuck in Saturday.”
Jesus, alive from the dead, meets with Mary Magdalene, calling her by name.
Mary thought wrongly that Jesus was the gardener.
When everyone thought Jesus was dead, no one calle
Jesus speaks Mary’s name and she realizes that Jesus, her Lord, is alive from the dead.
Why did Jesus personally appear to Mary Magdalene?
Because that is just the kind of person Jesus is. He is full of mercy and full of compassion.
Are you in a season of darkness?
This could be a good season for you.
During the times we are stuck in Saturday God does not get upset with us.
God is patient with us. Shh, be quiet and listen, Jesus is also calling you by name.
God’s desk calendar in heaven is stuck on Sunday.
God is inviting you to move from a Saturday state of mind into Sunday. The choice is yours.
You might like to listen to the 3 podcasts at this site:
They speak of the following among other matters:
Listen to methods used by Jesus and Enoch to make prophecies about today’s world, learn about the help they received from the Teraphim.
I found it to be interesting.
I checked this site further and found that the "Secret Autobiography of Jesus Christ" is available as a series of CDs ($12 with$5 going to help children). That's pretty cool.
I like the podcasts. It seems they have added a few.
Found this hilarious video called "Christians Have Given Jesus a Bad Name" ....
Must watch!
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