The Cross: The Hour of Darkness Matthew 27: 32-44
Constructive criticism…we may hear 10 negative things but if there is one hidden gem, we need to hear it and make those changes.
When we look at the world we can easily see ten problems, but what is the one that causes the other nine?
With all the problems in the world, is there one that causes the others?
Yes! It’s called sin or human nature.
Jesus dealt with the particular problem, the fountainhead of all others, on the cross.
When the problem was addressed, Jesus declared, “It is finished.”
The question comes to us, “What was finished?”
What happened on the cross that makes the cross such a big deal?
As Christians, we emphasize the cross all the time/everywhere.
Big Pic: The cross has more deep meaning than most people realize. It is pivotal in our understanding of human nature as well as the nature of God. Without it, we are hopelessly lost.
Here were the options: (only 2)
He could save himself and leave us in eternal jeopardy.
He could save us and lose his own life on the cross.
Who can define “algorithm” for me?
“A set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as for finding the greatest common divisor.”
The algorithm of God is that God restores life to the world by the death of his Son.
The cross reveals both the holiness of God and the severity of sin.
That God is holy is a foundational truth of the Bible, presented from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation.
Holy means to be set apart, to be unique; God is totally and utterly different.
Our holy God cannot look on evil because our sin absolutely disgusts the holiness of God. Habakkuk 1:13; Revelation 3:15-16.
(“spit out” means “vomit”)
We never hear on the news, “Well, the world’s problem is sin.”
We hear about government, business, education, psychology and sociology. Not a word about sin.
Holy God does not pretend our sin is a mental lapse or condone our sin as simple stubbornness.
I know hate is a strong word, but when you think of God’s pure holiness and righteousness, that leaves no room for sin.
God will not compromise his holiness by indulging our sinful behavior.
God’s stern holiness operates from God’s infinite love.
God will both honor these two strong emotions—his fiery holiness an
I know that is hard to understand. It’s quite the dichotomy.
How can a loving God reject sin and sinful people?
It has to be that way. Imagine if God tolerated our sin.
Just like you want a good fair judge or cop or teacher or parent…
If God were only holy, we would be destroyed; if God were only love, a lack of discipline and correction would destroy us.
We always need to emphasize both sides of God.
God’s holiness and love combine to do something unimaginable: God becomes a human being and saves us from ourselves.
God as human leads a sinless life.
God as human dies on the sinners’ place.
God as Jesus is the only perfect sacrifice for our sins.
This is the great and very important drama of the cross.
Matthew 27:45-54; John 19:28-30
Jesus was forsaken by his heavenly father so that we might be forgiven and received by a holy God—this is the beauty of the cross.
Jesus became sin as all the sins of the world were placed by God on Jesus.
The sinless righteousness of Jesus Christ can now be ours.
2 Corinthians 5:21
On August 16, 1987 Northwest Airlines flight 225 crashed on take-off in Detroit, Michigan, killing 155 passengers. Only four year old Cecilia survived, found walking among the wreckage totally unhurt. Just prior to the crash, Cecilia’s mother, Paula, unbuckle
God sent his Son, Jesus, who wrappe
God is holy and God is love. Our merits do not enhance God’s love and our mistakes do not diminish it.
Will you receive God’s love in Christ for you?
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