“The power of service” Luke 10:30-37
• Mark 10:35-45 … this story is so typical of our human nature...Jesus finishes his answer with such key words…
• “Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to be come great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be a slave of all. For even the Son on Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Big Picture: There is undeniable power in service and Jesus, as always, is our example.
(A small example, me and the boys mowing our neighbors lawns…)
Text: Luke 10: 30-37
This is such a powerful story, one of the best from the Bible. It clearly illustrates what typically happens when there is someone who is in need.
• In a good/bad way we need to identify with the characters from this story.
• Good if we are the Samaritan, bad if we are the “religious” people.
• Where so you find yourself in this story? Are you the robber, the priest, the Levite, or the Samaritan?
• Think about that as we wrestle with this text today.
Some obvious things the Samaritan did right in this story:
He didn’t avoid the person in need.
• It’s so easy to do that…”Most ministry opportunities that God puts in front of us happen at the intersection of the unexpected and the interruption.”
• What a great way to approach each day…who can I serve today?
• Jumper cables last week at “Fanuel”…mom @moonlight…
I was almost the Priest or Levite...the “religious” people
He offered practical help. (In this case, medical help).
• Think through practical ideas instead of always just giving money. Take the time to ask, someone, “What do you really need? How can I help you?”
He provided transportation. (he put the wounded man on his donkey)
• Giving people rides to church, church events, to the store, etc.
• “It take between 12 and 20 positive bumps (refreshing encounters with the church) before people come to Christ.”
He provided lodging and companionship.
• This is huge, a big step. He took the injured man to a hotel and stayed with him. Some of us may be able to do that.
• Maybe we can just volunteer at a local homeless shelter…
• Martin Luther ”Jesus gave us a new norm of greatness...He who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That’s a new definition of greatness...You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.”
The last thing he did was offer money. (paid the innkeeper)
• Typically, that’s our first response...so much good can be done apart from money.
• People need relationships more than money. It’s the same way with our kids.
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