The externally focused church, part 1
“What is an EFC?”
Intro… Today is an exciting day for me and our church…a brief history…
• However, “Crossroads” is about so much more than just inviting people here… We could have the “coolest” church in town…
I’ve been to endless church conferences out there, workshops, books, seminars etc. that all deal with healthy church life.
• When I see fellow pastors, often the first thing they ask me is: “How many are you running now?”
• Often the characteristics of a healthy church are equated almost solely with attendance…
• Normally we don’t talk much about taking care of those less fortunate and serving others...
• Two books I’ve read….”Externally focused church”, “The most loving place in town.”
Text: Matthew 25: 31-40 Prayer
Big Picture: If Crossroads were to close up, would people who don’t attend our church notice or even care?
Outline from Matthew 25:31-46
• This section of verses refers to the judgment of the nations…us!
• When Jesus returns to earth he will judge us accordingly:
• Sheep on the right, goats on the left (Christians & non Christians)
Those on his right are blessed and will take their inheritance, why?
because a church (people) that is externally focused: (v. 35-36)
• Feeds the hungry
• Gives a drink to the thirsty
• Invites in the stranger
• Gives clothes to those who need them
• Looks after the sick
• Visits those in prison
I will spend the next few weeks asking us all to consider what it means to be an externally focused church.
• I’d like to propose this: “Church effectiveness is not only measured by what happens inside the church but rather by the impact of the people of the church on their communities.”
An example, Switchfoot Bro-am (Stand up for kids)
• Are we engaging our communities with truth and grace, good news and good deeds?
• Are we the salt that preserves, the light that shines to help transform a community? Matt. 5:13-16
• Micah 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
The internally focused church (people): v. 37-39 somehow looks right past all these needs
• As a church we may not be intentionally internally focused, but it can easily happen.
• If a church isn’t careful it can focus primarily on getting people into the church and generating endless activity there.
• The dreaded “Christian bubble.” It all sounds so good, powerful worship, excellent teaching, thriving youth programs, vibrant small groups etc, etc..
• But at the end of the day what is measured is the number of people and activities within the church. Good churches, good people no doubt.
• This is all important, but not complete, for a healthy, well balanced church.
• As Christians, we need to have a balance of growing a healthy church and always reaching out to those in need. We need both.
• I like to call this “missional living”…like a missionary learning another culture….
• Every one of us has our own “mission field.”
• Isaiah 1:10-17
The externally focused church (people)… v. 40
• Realizes that looking after the needs of “the least of these” is actually taking care of Christ.
Often churches talk about their “target” audience.
• My journey through the “ target age groups” since Seminary grad…
• You know who our target audience should be?
• Those in the margins. There are nearly 400 passages in the bible that show God’s concern for orphans, widows, prisoners, aliens, homeless, poor, hungry, sick and disabled. (But that’s not glamorous…)
• Deut. 10:18-19, 15:10-11 Isaiah 58: 6-7
• Our community. Instead of being so angry with our city or politicians, can we be a blessing? We need to pray for our leaders.
• Maybe we could start right here at SDA? How ‘bout notes of encouragement to the entire staff? I bet we could do that!
• By focusing on these groups, we will naturally attract new people to our church and then have the privilege to see them come to Christ and grow in their faith.
• We need to see ourselves as vital to the health and well being of our community. (Here in Encinitas as well as your individual neighborhoods.)
Jesus has some harsh words for those who are internally focused.
• Those on his left will be judged more harshly, why? Vs. 41-46
• Ignoring the needs of those who are in need is actually ignoring Christ.
• V. 45 is the opposite of v. 40…
• V. 46 A possible consequence of not looking after those in need is Hell!
Where do we start?
• Big picture: Season of service. 375 churches, CityFest
• Homelessness, Military, Mentoring, Hunger, Schools
• Local picture: Me playing drums at the neighborhood block party…street clean up, beach clean up etc.
• Here’s a crazy idea: “Don’t just start a church (service), serve a city. Serve them with love and if you go after the people nobody wants, you’ll end up with the people everybody wants.”
• It was never about the donkey...The EFC is a good donkey that takes Jesus into places where he hasn’t always been welcome. It’s still about Jesus.
• It’s always about Jesus…gospel…
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