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The Outsiders Luke 2:8-20
Intro: Last week I talked about 3 groups of people that were present at the birth of Jesus, the young, the rich and the fringe.
I tend to identify with the fringe, so I’d like to take some time today to focus on the shepherds.
In the course of life, God often uses events or people we may never have picked ourselves.
We tend to go with what makes most sense, or is most logical.
Today’s story is a good example of that. The Son of God, savior of the world was coming in human flesh and who did God choose to announce it to first? Shepherds!
Shepherds were a despised class in 1st Century Palestine. Their jobs among the dirty sheep keep them from observing the ceremonial law, which meant a lot to religious people. They were also considered unreliable and were not even allowed to give testimony in the court of law.
So imagine the general public, receiving this all-important news from such
a lower class group of people.
Some people may feel like the Shepherds as they try to sort through all the mixed Christmas messages.
From the outside looking in...can I be part of this story too? How can God use me? What does Christmas really mean?
As we continue to prepare for Christmas, today I want to focus on “The Outsiders” in the story, the Shepherds and Angels.
Those who played a supporting role, “Best supporting actor” as it were.
Text: Luke 2:8-20
Song: “Angels we have heard on high”
Big Pic: When God talks to us we need to move from fear to action.
What do you see in this picture? (I’d like to propose 4 basic concepts….)
Shepherds, “average guys” Luke 2:8
What would you say is the most important characteristic if you’re going to
be used by God? Availability (and a willingness to be used).
“God, how can you use me to help change the world?
Awe/Fear Luke 2:9
What do you think made these shepherds terrified?…
God’s presence for sure, with the angel…
Possibly the task ahead of them too, letting everyone know.
Better known as respect for God. Psalm 111:10
Angels...God...Peace Luke 2:10-15
When God shows up in your life, is should be a bit freighting. This is the real deal…
When it’s clear God is speaking to you, you should be able to move along a natural progression of:
Initial fear to repentance (if needed), to understanding, to obedience to action.
An important message being delivered and to be delivered.
These shepherds were now official witnesses to Jesus.
That God choose to use them to spread this heavenly message must have stunned them. “Me God, are you sure?”
“The shepherds, farmers by trade, represent all of us who face a choice of the supernatural event - angels, bright lights, and music. Miraculous or fictitious? Fact or fraud? This will determine your attitude about Christmas.
To many of the "intelligent," it is not reasonable. 1 Cor. 1:18-31
For the shepherds, and should be for us today, it is the reason for our hope, and a hope for our reason.
It was supernatural splendor from a heavenly host!
The church is made up of believers, make-believers, and unbelievers.
Where are you? Don't let Christmas and its real meaning and excitement pass you by.
Conclusion: Frog Vision
How many of you hunted frogs when you were little? (Still do?)
Big ones at Camp McCullough….
Frogs have unique visual powers that enable them to elude their predators.
A frogs vision or optical field is like a white-erase board that is wiped clean. The only images it receives are objects that directly concern him.
Frogs are never distracted by unimportant things. Instead they are only aware of the essentials and whatever may be of danger to them.
So, here we are trying to focus on Jesus during Christmas...we get preoccupied with the distractions of the season.
Our lives easily get cluttered with materialistic and insignificant concerns. If we’re not careful we can lose perspective of what is most important.
Psalm 119:37
The more attracted we are to Christ, the less distracted we’ll be by the world.
As we approach this Christmas, maybe you feel like an outsider looking in.
Can this whole story actually be a part of my life? Can it have a deeper meaning than what I’m used to?
You bet! Remember, God is just waiting for us to ask…
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