Intro… “Dr. Phil, Oprah, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” etc. There is endless advice out there on relationships.
• They are confined to the limits of public television, etc.
• Let’s take a look at the Biblical standard for human relationships. Warning, the bar is set high!
• This series is straight up solid advice from the Bible, most likely stuff we don’t want to hear.
• Today we’ll start out with general guidelines for all us, single or married.
Text: Eph. 5: 1-3, 5, 11, 15-16, 18, 21.
Big Picture: When you need relationship advice, go right to the source, the Bible. From there, counsel with godly Christian people/couples you respect.
5:1 Be imitators of God. (not the latest celebrity or great book you’ve read)
• Unless that book is rooted in solid, biblical advice, don’t take it too seriously.
• Imitate God In every area of our lives.
• Start with that premise and it will positively affect all areas.
5:3 No sexual immorality (not even a hint)
• Greek word: porneia, “unchasity, prostitution, fornication (sexual intercourse between a man and a woman not married to each other)
• This covers everything from our thought life to what we see on TV, movies, magazines, the internet, our language, how we interact with others….
• Sexual purity is the duty of all Christians! Men, women, boys, girls, single, married, engaged, divorced, looking for love, confused about love, confused about your sexual identity.
• God’s design for human love relationships is one man, one woman married for life. Gen. 2:24, Mark 10:7-9
• No sex outside of marriage…
• Sexual immorality and impurity is improper for God’s holy people. It just doesn’t make any sense. ( End of v. 3)
• That’s why it’s so sensational when a high profile Christian has a sexually immoral fall.
v. 4 And if you think you are doing ok because you are not presently sexually immoral…we also need to avoid:
• Obscenity
• Foolish talk
• Coarse joking
• These are all out of place (don’t make sense) for the Christian.
• Once again the Bible does a great job of nailing all of us.
v. 5 Here comes a harsh warning:
• No one that is immoral, impure, greedy or an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
• This doesn’t mean that people who have lived this way can’t ever go to heaven…v. 8
• It does mean that if someone continues to live an immoral life, it could keep them from being humble enough to realize the error of their ways and accept God’s forgiveness.
• “God never tolerates sin which has no place in His kingdom, nor will any person whose life pattern is one of habitual immorality, impurity and greed be in His kingdom because no such person is saved.” John McArthur
• These are the things that incur God’s wrath.
• Therefore, have nothing to do with them!
v. 8-14 As Christians, we should know better!
• Live as children of light.
• Think of all the adult clubs or men’s club out there.
• All the windows are darkened…partly to keep minors or others from peering in, but also to hide the guilty parties on the inside.
• Everyone is guilty of wrong doing, from the owners, to the dancers, to the customers!
• Imagine if you were to walk in there with a bright spot-light…that’s what it means to be children of light.
• That’s what v. 11-13 is telling us to do…
v. 18 And here’s something that will really help…
• Don’t get drunk. When you fill yourself up with performance altering drink or drugs, that when stupid happens.
• It leads to debauchery. (extreme indulgence in sensuality, seduction from virtue or duty.)
• Synonyms: corruption, vice, depravity, immorality, iniquity, licentiousness, profligacy, sin.
• I know the concept of getting drunk seems appealing (for various reasons to various peole), but the Bible is telling us not to do it.
• Instead be filled with the Holy Spirit.
v. 15, 19-21 So, how is the Christian supposed to live?
• It’s not that complicated, it’s the opposite of what we just read.
• Live as biblically wise people.
• Make the most of every opportunity (to be godly).
• Don’t be foolish, continue to seek what the Lord’s will is.
v. 19-21 Look at these beautiful words in stark contrast to words like debauchery, depravity or iniquity:
• Speak to one another in hymns and spiritual songs
• Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord
• Always give thanks to God for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
• Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
• What a beautiful concept, putting our own needs aside and submitting to one another.
• “How can I help/serve you?”
• “How can I treat you kindly and with proper respect?”
• “How can our relationship bring honor to God?”
Conclusion: The Eddie Fisher article, his life, many marriages etc.
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