Church growth is a mysterious God-thing. When someone owns a business, with a certain amount of expertise and marketing they should do pretty well. Applying business techniques and marketing to church life does not necessarily guarantee growth. Yet, I believe that God wants all churches to continue to grow, maintain health and reproduce. Church size isn't so much the issue as is church health and vitality. As we move forward as a church here in Encinitas, our job will be to continue to discern what God's will is for our future and well as our size. I have told people many times that I'd love to see our church become a healthy family church that people of all ages will consider attending. I've specifically never mentioned a number, because that will be up to God. I recently met with another pastor here in north county and explained our situation. He was so kind and generous. He pastors a large, well known church and said to me, "Just let me know what we can do to help, it's great to be on your team." That was the best meeting I've had so far with another pastor here. I do believe that as we all pursue the connections we already have, God will bring new people into our church. Meanwhile, I will pursue some of the help that is being offered and continue to pray that God will bring us the worship leader that is just right for our church. Let's continue to pray together that God will grow our church in His way and in His time as we do all that is humanly possible to help Him. Seeing our church grow will be a team effort between every single one of us as we trust God and seek His direction. Then when we do see some growth and change at our church we'll know that it had nothing to do with a business strategy and everything to do with God's blessings as we do our part to bring in the help we need.
my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insght at the end there, not leave it with ‘we leave it to you to decide’.
Not quite sure what you are referring to with "we leave it to you to decide." Although I didn't actually say that, I'm guessing you thought I made reference to that?
Anyways, for us, the practical thing in changing our church here starts with finding a worship leader that can help us set the flow and tone of the worship service.
Once we find the right person, I think we'll be able to see our church grow.
My family is traveling from Mississippi across the country and will be in the San Diego area on Sunday May 2nd. Is the family integrated church on the NCFIC website (Coastlands) still meeting? If so, we would like to join you...just us know the details (location, time, etc.)
Grace to you,
Great to hear from you. I'm no longer at Coastlands Church (I need to update that on the NCFIC website). However, I'm just up the road in Encinitas. I'm now at Pacific View Baptist Church and we are currently a "family friendly" church. (I've got that defined better on our website: www.pacificviewbaptist.com)
Since I'm new to this church I'm slowly moving them in the direction of a family integrated church.
We've got 5 kids and they sit in church with us do the majority of the kids in our church. We'd love to have you join us this Sunday. Our worship service is at 11am. The church address is: 845 Santa Fe Dr., Encinitas, Ca. 92024.
Feel free to call me at 858-442-3380 if I can help in any other way.
I hope to see you this Sunday!
Thanks for the quick response. My family will plan to join you this Sunday, Lord willing.
Evan, You have been on my mind and I have been praying for you. As a shepherd, the Lord is going to judge you more harshly than He judges the sheep. "This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world" James 1:27. Each day I have to confess any unrighteousness and ask for God to fill me with His Holy Spirit. I know we cannot please Him when we're in the flesh so I make a note to myself which simply says "die". I was thinking about you and 5 minutes later I saw you drive to 7/11 for a soda and that was a clear indication from the Lord that I am to pray for you. Draw close to Him, He is calling you to tend your flock. Much love in Christ Jesus.
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