One thing the move did for me, was allow me to get a glimpse into how war affects everyone, man woman, boy and girl from both sides that are fighting.
I know war is an ugly reality in the history of our world, but sometimes we forget that even the "bad guys" have families too and that death is death and war is war no matter who is fighting.
I know for me, I stopped and prayed at the end of the movie and asked God to forgive us wicked human beings for slaughtering each other in the name of whatever cause or God we are fighting for.
1 comment:
Yes, I saw the movie also.
My best employee and right arm in business for 6 years
was a Muslim Turk. He loves his wife and children as
does anyone, he believes in One God, who has an
ultimate standard of behavior for all people, who
hears our prayers, cares about us, sin, and the need
of sin to be forgiven through sacrifice.
He knows the Koran teaches Jesus was good teacher and
a prophet, whose words are to be respected.
Well as Christians, we know Jesus to be more than
this, but to keep the peace in my small business,
Remzi and I agreed when it came to religion we would
care more about what we agreed with than what we
Tonight i had a muslim taxi Driver, who does not
understand how some "Christian Churches" accept Gays
in there midst and even in the clergy, and why there
are different versions of the Bible. More than this he
does not understand why Followers of Jesus (or at
least the Roman Catholic Chirch)came to the Arab world
and killed his ancestors during the crusades.
All I could do was apologize that killing in the name
of the church or God or Jesus was Wrong, very wrong,
and to let him know there are intelligent Chrisitans
who read the teaching of Jesus and know that this was
wrong, as are other sins.
I wish now I had takem more time to talk about
So back to the movie, i agree with your observations,
good action, but also good moral message.
Key concept to never forget,
Some estimates are we have killed 1,000,000,000 people
in Iraq.
Sadam Hussien was a very bad dictator, and his sons,
who also killed, tortured, disrespected, many people,
understatment, ok. but my momma always told me, "two
wrongs don't make a right"
When the twin towers fell, and america was outraged, I
was asking, What have we done that would cause these
people to hate us so much as to suicide bomb us and to
plan it so far as to get pilots training for a year or
so to die for this belief?
There is no one I hate enough for this, and i was
abused as a child, and was just fired from my job.
This hate is a horrible mindset, not all muslims view
the world in this way, When I asked my employee about
terrorists, he asked me, what about Chriastian who
blow up abortion clinics? Remzi is anti abortion, but
would never do this, most muslims, just want to do
their work and love their families the same as us, so
a few percent are really wacko, well years of
occupation by American military will bring out the
worst in anybody, look at american campuses in the
Vietnam era, or Chicago during civil rights protest. a
little milary action even got us pretty active.
You can't blame the local people for being fed up.
Next concept, It takes alot of effort to build a city
, and just a few bombs to really mess it up.
I am an architect.
Do you know how hard it is to get resourses and
organization to build buildings, permits
approvals,money, planning...?
One high rise in america is a 3-4 year undertaking
from land aquisition, though design, construction...
to certificate of occupancy, years of planning,
entitlements with the city, raising investment
capital, and construction.
And one american bombing raid takes out the entire
building, Imangine that happening in San Diego for a
few YEARS.
I think the locals would have an uprising, even if we
invited the bombers in to begin with.
At this point foreign policy is a mess. But i am not
above stating, Sadaam NEEDED to be removed, however I
want to apologize to Iraq and other muslims for not
doing the job the way Bush senior did, and get in,
take an objective and get out, let the locals sort out
their own government. if they set up another really
evil dictator, we'll be back again, take the last time
as a warning.
Also, I'd rather pay another buck at the gas pump than
see anymore 19-22 year old guys at 24 hour fitness,
missing half a leg from Iraq duty.
War is not making us any friends, even with our
Where is "turn the other cheek" in regards to 9/11?
We had the world's sympathy at the time of the event,
However, our Texas Gunslinger handling of the
aftermath has not enamored the world to the USA as
being a "Christian Nation", think hard on that one.
What is the greater calling, justice or love thy
Jim Elliot and comrades died with their firearms close
by. Many of the local indians later received Christ.
What could we do better to minister to muslims here in
the states?
What about South Korea's deal to pull out missionarys
from these areas to free the hostages?
What if instead Christian leaders world wide decided
to call upon us to pray and consider millions of the
world Chisitains leaving home to evangelize the middle
How many Chistiains would The radical muslims need to
kill before their own more moderate sects of muslims
rise up an put a stop to it, or the world overall
condem them and/or we just decide to embargo thier oil
even if it means we all drive a Prius or Bio diesel or
walk/bicycle/mass transit as i do now for these past
few months.
Well thats enough for now, rebuttal, rebuke, or feel
free to cut and paste as you like.
Best Wishes,
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